92 days strong doing this #MileaDayChallenge and I’ve learned so much about how to show up for myself and for my ambitions and dreams. .
It is *just a mile but when you prioritize it every day and show up for it it...


92 days strong doing this #MileaDayChallenge and I’ve learned so much about how to show up for myself and for my ambitions and dreams. .
It is *just a mile but when you prioritize it every day and show up for it it becomes a muscle that is helping me with so much more than just running. .
It’s the small decisions and daily actions that add up to big shifts and transformation. 🦋 If you have the #NIKE running App find me under: Lead with Angela Aguirre 😘

I strive to wake up every day with enthusiasm to design a life that I adore. I know I do this with my thoughts, my emotions and perspective on things.

I strive to wake up every day with enthusiasm to design a life that I adore. I know I do this with my thoughts, my emotions and perspective on things. 

"If it is important to you, you will find a way. If it is not, you’ll find an excuse."
Welcoming in 2018 with a lot of “newness” this year.

Welcoming in 2018 with a lot of “newness” this year. 

Tags: shorthair
The reason this blog started and now here we are celebrating 6 years married. (over 10 years together )
#Imwiththedeejay #djvice #tulum #tulumMexico

The reason this blog started and now here we are celebrating 6 years married. (over 10 years together ) 

#Imwiththedeejay #djvice #tulum #tulumMexico


Yuna - doing cover of Frank Ocean’s “Thinkin bout You" 

Tags: music

Anything I haven’t yet accomplished, I simply haven’t wanted bad enough.

(via knttwd)


Max Zorn -  Artist from Amsterdam that started a new form of street art using only brown packaging tape and a scalpel. Check it out.

"All rivers flow to the sea because it is lower than they are. Humility gives it its strength."

— Lao-tzu



Have you ever paid attention to the reasons why you like the brands that you like? 


As a creative-type have you wondered how to brand your work with content, display or delivery? 

Check out this video that talks about how branding has gone beyond logos, catch phrases and symbols. As one expert, Cabell Harris, puts it:

   "It’s not what you say it is. It’s what your audience says you are.“ 

He goes on to discuss the most important brand evaluation questions to ask:

     1. Who are you?

     2. What do you do?

     3. Why does it matter? How do you share this? *most important

The answers to these questions could even be beneficial in regards to the community of [tumblr] blogging we are all apart of. Worldwide it has recently been measured that there are 181million blogs. The answers to the questions above can provide greater clarity with your blog’s purpose and the intention or brand you are trying to create in order to have viewers connect with your blog. (…and revisit it.)

   "If you start designing without knowing what you really want to say, and having a concept or a thought, then it just becomes decorations. To me, you have to have a concept, something your trying to communicate and then you do the window dressing.” -C. Harris 

“ Mo Magnets! (Taken with Instagram at Stickygram HQ)


Mo Magnets! (Taken with Instagram at Stickygram HQ)

Tags: photography
“ Don’t Doubt Yourself.


Don’t Doubt Yourself.

(via terrysdiary)

Tags: inspiration

“Just keep your mind open and suck in the experience

…its probably worth it.”

*The Beach by Alex Garland




Tags: books writing